Month 2 - Stress Relief
August 12, 2018 - Axe Throwing
I've become a big fan of self-care as of late. Taking mental time to sort yourself out. Whether it's a spa day, a cozy day reading on the couch, drinks with friends, vegging with some Netflix or throwing axes. Whatever ya need to just let go of all the BS going on in life.
Groupon to the rescue again for Month #2. As with most random fads, axe throwing has become really popular. I was able to find a Groupon for 4 for 2 hours of throwing axes at a wooden target. I invited my friends Jen, Sandi and Julee because when it comes to hurling sharp objects, I knew each one of them would love it as much as I would.
We headed to the Axe House in Valley Park (a little suburb near StL), got a quick 60 second tutorial on the do's and don'ts of axe throwing and were quickly assigned to a lane. Our instructor, who may or not have been older than 12, showed us the one-handed or two-handed methods and then left us to our own devices.
We each took a few practice turns, and I WAS TERRIBLE. I never once got it on the damn board. While I did manage to get it all the way down the lane, it just never stuck in the board. Sandi was a natural and kept nailing the board time and time again. Jen started off slow like me, but she picked it up quicker than I did. After our practice rounds, we started right off into a game, all 4 pitted against one another, with the winner being the first to score 21.
Sandi came out swinging (haha...literally) and dominated that first round. I finally found my groove and actually started sticking the axe in the damn board. It still wasn't enough to catch her though, and she killed us.
Second round and Jen's competitive nature came out. She started to heat up, and while I kept pace with her, she ultimately pulled it out in the end. And then MY competitive streak (which I don't normally have, it just decides to show up occasionally) kicked in and I killed the 3rd round in only three turns. BOOM!
By the time we finished those 3 games, we still hadn't been throwing for a full hour. And we had another hour to go! I didn't pay attention to the website that said we could bring beer or wine in, so Julee headed next door to pick up some beer for us. I guess I just assumed mixing booze and the hurling of sharp objects in the air would be frowned upon. Not in StL apparently.
They also had throwing stars that we could try out for free, but I didn't really enjoy that. I didn't get a single one in. We all struggled with the technique, jumping out of the way when the damn things bounced back at us! Julee eventually mastered them and proceeded to play against the three of us throwing axes. It made for a much better game, since her axe throwing was a bit rusty!
Two more games before we quit, and I managed to put up Ws in both, coming home the victor for the day with 3 games to Jen and Sandi's 1 apiece. I feel very braggy right now. Sorry not sorry.
While we were taking turns throwing at the end, Jen asked one of the workers how often they have to change out the wooden target. When the big guys come in, it could be as soon as 15-20 minutes, and after league play, it's usually after each game. Damn!! Ours were both looking pretty wretched, but he assured us they'd get some more games out of it. We decided to help them along (and we didn't want to let the big guys have all the fun), so we just started hammering the one board. One of the boards was really loose and we were damned determined to rip the thing off the wall. So the three of us just pummeled it one after the other until our time was up. It might not have popped off the wall right then, but the next group would have a sad looking target!
We had an absolute blast, and I would totally do that again! Great times with some great peeps.
Jen makes it look so easy. :)
This girl was a natural! |
Subtle brag. :)
Crushing it. |
Lumberjack in training? |
Julee was the only one who threw one-handed. I found it awkward and ineffective. So glad I did the two-handed method! |
She's excited. |
Well this is embarrassing... |
Warmer... |
Hotter... |
That little guy? Don't worry about that little guy. |
Okay, so you can't throw an axe when there's already one on the board, but I forgot to take a picture of my bullseye the throw before. I wanted to document it in case I didn't get anymore! (I needn't be worried though.) |
We work out... |
Awww yisssss....BULLSEYE! |
Sandi killed it. |
I lost count of all my bullseyes...hahaha |
Jen's turn to crush it. |
Winner winner chicken dinner!
What's that you say? Win the game in 3 rounds? Don't mind if I do! |
This seems excessive.
How did I go from 0 to winning the game in the next two rounds? |
Beer and axes...what could possibly go wrong? |
Don't try this at home, kids.
Totally normal for the two of us. |
Love these ladies! |
She was totally joking when she did this. Turns out it was a pretty solid strategy.
Don't mess with Julee and throwing stars. |
Collecting her spoils. |
Julee put up a strong fight with her throwing stars, but I pulled out the third and final W! |