May 4, 2014
So, 2014 marks the year of two very dear friends leaving St. Louis to venture out into the world to kick some ass. One of whom is a neat lady I've met fairly recently in my life due in large part to my friend Brenda (who is also moving). Brenda used to live with Megan many moons ago, and over the course of the past few years I've gotten to know her better. She recently completed her PhD, and will be moving to Moline, IL this summer, to pursue a teaching career at Augustana College. I have smart friends, ya'll.
Anyways, Megan has only been in St. Louis for the years it took her to complete said PhD, so she has a few things left on her StL bucket list before she heads north. One of those just happened to coincide with a bucket list item of my own. Paddle boating in Forest Park.
In the past, I usually give the same comment to people when they mention paddle boating - that it's cheesy and a cliched romantic gesture. However, the truth is that I secretly want to do it with a nice fella, and wouldn't mind venturing out onto the lake at sunset, no matter how cliche it might be. But, alas, I gave up waiting for that nice fella, and decided that if I wanted to go paddle boating, then by God, I was going to go paddle boating.
We set out on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon to Forest Park, and there was a moderate crowd at the Boathouse enjoying the warm weather. Fortunately, most of them were there to eat, and we didn't have much of a wait to grab a boat. We each grabbed a drink and made our way to the dock, where plenty of boats awaited our journey. After a quick safety briefing, which mostly consisted of "don't fall out of the boat", we settled in to our seats and away we went. Thankfully, the guy showing us to our boat showed us a nice trick for using the life vest as a back rest. Too bad we didn't have another one for a butt rest. Those plastic seats were lame.
Sittin' on the dock of the bay….. |
More boats. |
I'm not sure what I was expecting - they are, after all, powered by your feet - but, it was a bit more work than I was anticipating. I think that was due, in large part, to the leg workout I completed the day before. Had my quads not already been on fire, the rigorous paddling would have been enjoyable. Okay, it wasn't really that bad, except for the steering wheel, which was essentially just a wire circle that had the sensitivity of a 1980s Nintendo controller. If I wanted to go just a bit left, I would turn left a bit, and the boat wouldn't go anywhere. A hair further on the wheel, and we'd nearly complete a full circle. There was no in-between with that thing.
Steering is stupid.
Or, perhaps I just can't steer a paddle boat. Crazier things have been known to happen. I eventually somewhat mastered it, and Megan and I took turns navigating Post Dispatch Lake and the accompanying waterways to the Grand Basin, all the while trying to keep us away from the banks so we didn't get stuck. I had no desire to try to push us out of shallow waters.
For the most part, it was smooth sailing, and I got to see a view of Forest Park that I've never seen before. Art Hill and the Art Museum are some of my favorite places in St. Louis, and it was nice to see it from the water. We are truly blessed to have such an amazing park right within our city limits, not to mention that most of the park's biggest attractions are free.
Just enjoying the view. |
No big deal. |
I heart Forest Park. |
One of a few bridges on the lake. |
Art Museum panoramic shot. Love it! |
Had a great idea to take a selfie. I should have planned it a bit better so Megan's head wasn't blocking the Art Museum! |
As we paddled around the Grand Basin, I managed to take a few pictures without dumping my phone into the lake. I consider that a significant success. It was also hotter than balls out, so we managed to paddle near some of the fountains to catch some of the spray to cool us off. I was a bit paranoid that we would end up in the fountain with no way out, though. Luckily, we managed to avoid that disaster, and continued along our way.
Pretty bridge in the Grand Basin. |
More Grand Basin. |
Art Hill! |
St. Louis Art Museum (SLAM) |
Some of the fountains that helped cool us off. |
We almost ended up in this fountain. |
We eventually headed back to the Boathouse, having had enough of the paddle boat. We made friends with a few turtles swimming alongside us, and noticed more than one feathered friend along the banks. It really was beautiful out, albeit a bit steamy.
Made a new friend. We didn't think to bring treats with us to feed him. |
World's Fair Pavilion in the distance. |
Back to the Boat House! |
While there wasn't much to report on - unless you want me to give you a play-by-play of our conversation - it doesn't take away from the fact that another bucket list item has been added. Thanks to Megan for joining me! Gonna miss you, lady!
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