Wednesday, June 24, 2015

New Thing #86 - Balkans Trip - Day 12 (Sarajevo to Istanbul)

June 24, 2015

Brenda had to be up early to take Nate and Sarah to the train station for the next leg of their trip before she had to go to work. Again. :( The three of us ended up having a fairly lazy day at her apartment because Megan wasn't feeling well, and it was starting to rain. The temperature had dropped at least twenty degrees from the previous two days, so it really wasn't an ideal day for sightseeing. But, other than that one rainy day in Vienna, we had had some picture perfect weather so far. At least this wasn't a day where we had a ton of things planned. But, I get really antsy on trips like this if I just sit around for too long, so Nikki and I walked back to Old Town to look around a bit more. I had a few additional souvenirs I wanted to buy, and Nikki had yet to try Bosnian coffee.

Most of the shops had little merchandise sitting outside like they did on Monday due to the rain, so "window" shopping wasn't nearly as fun as it had been two days ago. I got the few things I needed before we ducked into a coffee shop for Nikki to try the coffee. Had I even remotely liked coffee, I would have liked to try it, but since I don't like regular coffee, I didn't think I'd appreciate this stronger/bolder version. Instead, I opted for my favorite drink of the trip: freshly squeezed OJ.

Freshly squeezed to order!

Nikki's coffee contained a small container with coffee grounds in the bottom where she poured some hot water over it. I'm not sure if she was supposed to stir or not, but she did a little, and then poured it in to a tiny cup. She dipped the sugar cubes in to the coffee and then ate/drank it. Seems like an odd way to drink coffee, but what do I know. She said it wasn't bad, just really really strong. Hopefully she needs to stay up for another 18 hours!

We headed back to B's apartment to find Megan still not feeling well, and Nikki and I not feeling the rainy weather. We ended up just staying in for the remainder of the afternoon, packing, napping and cleaning up after ourselves. While I don't usually give myself much down time on vacations, I didn't feel too bad given the weather outside. Eventually, we did have to head to the airport for the final city in our whirlwind tour. We had all the feels while B was dropping us off. I miss this girl more than even she probably realizes.

Leaving. :(

Anywayyyyys, the Sarajevo airport was small and easy to maneuver. It was quick and painless to get our boarding passes, and customs/security went just as quickly. Our flight even left on time AND they fed us in-flights! You know how much I love a good in-flight meal! A tomato sandwich and salad, crackers, chocolate mousse and a water cube. We touched down and I could feel the humidity before we even stepped off the plane!

Like our connecting inbound flight a week or so earlier, we had to get off on the tarmac. Clearly, they need to enlarge the Ataturk airport! As annoying as that was, at least it was easy breezy getting through passport control (heads up, you need a Visa to get in to Turkey!), but we had all already applied for our Visas a few months ago. It took much longer to get our luggage (likely because of the distance from the tarmac to the terminal), but our hostel had arranged transportation for us. We found my name on a sign with a few others, and a guy directed us to our own taxi that took us to the heart of Sultanahmet, or the the historic center of Istanbul.

It was late, and we were all tired from our day of doing next to nothing. :) We quickly checked in, found our private room (with private bath!) and crashed. Hard.

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