Thursday, September 7, 2017

New Thing #88 - Peru (Day #9)

September 7, 2017

Last day of prearranged tours, and I was picked up at the same hotel (on time this time) before the transfer to a different bus. I was the only non-Spanish speaker on this tour, and we didn't have separate tour guides. So, I had to listen to everything in Spanish before he repeated in English. While he was nice and did a good job, I'm pretty sure he abbreviated his explanations for me though. Plus, people were asking him questions and he didn't always translate for me. Not really complaining, it was just a bummer sometimes.

This time we headed down the coastline to Pachacamac, which if I remember correctly, is the only Incan temple built so close to the coastline. Or something like that. Look it up if you really want to know! We started in the museum itself, but I felt very rushed and didn't get a chance to really look at all of the information I wanted to. I was at least able to look around while he did his explanations for everyone else first.

Christ of the Pacific erected in 2011.

Next, he showed us the Women's House and then the Temple of the Sun. I felt a bit like an outsider, so I spent more time exploring and taking photos rather than making him repeat everything for me.

I wasn't nearly as impressed as I was hoping for. I wanted to spend more time in the ruins, but we basically just walked around it, took some photos and then drove back to Lima. There were other tours I had thought about doing today, but I thought this would be cool. I wish I had gone with one of the other ones.

After an hour ride back to Lima, I was dropped back off at the mall yet again and tried lunch in a different spot. They had no English menu, but I managed just fine.

Sure, I'll have some salad with my cheese!
More jugo de piña! I love their frothy pineapple juice drinks.

Complimentary cookie of some kind.


One of the items I've had on my bucket list for quite some time is to salsa dance in a foreign country. If you know me, you know that salsa (and other Latin dances) is near and dear to my heart. It's my happy place. So, I asked Brenda if it would be a possibility and she told me there's a club not far that we can go to. She rounded up some of her work friends and we headed out for a night on the town.

Unfortunately, there weren't many people here, so I didn't get a chance to dance with any locals, but I did dance with one of her coworkers and enjoyed watching the live band. So, I can mark that off my bucket list!

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